

"The Ultimate Collection of Illustrations for 'Grave Robbers' Notes' Volumes 1-8, Fully Revised and Edited"

"The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" is a novel written by Nanpai Sanshu, which tells the story of Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Wu Sansheng, and others who enter ancient tombs for exploration.

This series of novels began serialization online in 2006 and was officially published in January 2007.

In 2015, "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" was adapted into a web drama by Huanrui Century Media Co., Ltd.

In November 2016, "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" ranked on the "China IP Value List - Top 10 Network Literature" at the 2016 China Pan-Entertainment Index Awards.

On July 12, 2017, the "2017 Cat Film Hu Run Original Literature IP Value List" was released, and "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" ranked second.



The story originated in 1952 when the protagonist Wu Xie's grandfather, Wu Laogou, discovered a Warring States silk book in a tomb in Changsha, which led to a series of adventures for Wu Xie as he unraveled the mysteries of the silk book. Fifty years later, Wu Xie, a seemingly ordinary second-generation rich man from the Wu family, runs an antique shop after graduating from university, living his life day by day. Little did he know that his adventurous and mysterious heritage would be revealed when he discovered a secret in his ancestor's notes. With curiosity and a desire to see the world, he joins his third uncle and a group of tomb raiding experts on a journey to the Lu Wang Palace, hoping to unravel the mysteries of the silk book. Along the way, he meets Muffled Bottle and Fatty. Many things he has never seen before or even thought of appear one after another. Each encounter becomes more and more bizarre. Just as he discovers that his life is full of puzzles and seeks answers, his only clue, "Third Uncle," disappears. Unwilling to give up, Wu Xie decides to dig deeper and embark on an extraordinary adventure that is unknown to the world.

Plot of Each Part#

The Lu Wang Palace of the Seven Stars#

Fifty years ago, a group of tomb raiders in Changsha dug up a Warring States silk book, which recorded the location of a peculiar Warring States tomb. However, these tomb raiders encountered strange events underground and almost all died. Fifty years later, the grandson of one of the tomb raiders discovered this secret in his ancestor's notes. He gathered a group of experienced tomb raiders to search for treasures in this ancient tomb, where they encountered many strange things: the Seven Stars Suspicious Coffin, the Green-eyed Fox Corpse, and the Nine-headed Snake Cypress. Finally, they discovered that the owner of this Warring States tomb, the Lu Wang Palace of the Seven Stars, was the biggest tomb raider at that time. Even after his death, he continued to challenge all tomb raiders who wanted to steal his tomb, resulting in countless deaths.

Rage of the Sea#

After escaping from the heavily guarded Lu Wang Palace of the Seven Stars, the protagonist and his group are immediately involved in a tomb raiding conspiracy and embark on a thrilling journey of underwater tomb raiding. During their exploration of the mysterious Ming Dynasty shipwreck, they encounter the "Sea Monkey" who haunts them in storms, ghost ships, and souls, as well as terrifying monsters like the "Forbidden Granny." They are also trapped by layers of mysterious mechanisms. How will they escape from this life-threatening journey? Who is the mysterious owner of this shipwreck?

Qinling Divine Tree#

After being released from prison, Wu Xie's friend Lao Yang brings him astonishing news: a mysterious hexagonal bell, an ancient She ethnic group, a giant bronze tree, and the remote Qinling Mountains. Unable to resist his curiosity, Wu Xie embarks on an adventure to the Qinling Mountains with Lao Yang. However, what awaits them ahead? Zhe Luo Salmon, Yellow Spring Waterfall, Corpse Formation, Qilin Exhaustion, and Candle Nine Yin. What is the purpose of this giant bronze tree? Is it a wishing tree or a totem of a minority group? Will they be able to find the real answers? The process of exploration is filled with struggles and efforts of human nature, and terrifying characters and faces intertwine. In the end, a shocking and unimaginable yet seemingly believable ending awaits them.

Cloud Top Heaven Palace#

Ten years ago, Shunzi's father led a group of mysterious people into the vast snowy mountains, broke into a dangerous underground tomb, and discovered countless treasures of gold and silver. However, instead of being able to leave with these treasures, they became trapped and almost all died. Ten years later, "we" and Shunzi's group once again set foot in the Cloud Top Heaven Palace, embarking on a thrilling journey that leads to death: Kunlun Embryo, Wall Stringer, Hundred Feet Divine Dragon, and other strange and bizarre things appear one after another. The Cloud Top Heaven Palace is a tomb built by the eccentric Wang Canghai for the King of Wan Nu. The tomb raiders who appeared in the underwater tomb almost all gather at the Cloud Top Heaven Palace, and there is a strange connection between the two places. Third Uncle always appears at the most unexpected moments. His appearance means the final answer to the mystery, but these mysteries can be traced back fifty years, and the truth is far more than that. All the phenomena indicate that even more terrifying and thrilling scenes are about to unfold.

Snake Marsh Ghost City#

After successfully escaping from the Cloud Top Heaven Palace, Wu Xie and the awakened Third Uncle have a long conversation. Wu Xie learns about the hidden secrets that the Third Uncle did not reveal about the mysterious deaths and the grudges related to the Warring States silk book and the old Changsha. Just when Wu Xie thinks that the truth is within reach, two video tapes from Zhang Qiling make everything unclear again... Following the fragmented clues in the video tapes, Wu Xie goes alone to an unfamiliar place in Qinghai. Following the clues left by his predecessors, Wu Xie discovers the final destination of the archaeological team. In order to uncover the truth, Wu Xie infiltrates the expedition team with An Ning and heads to the Chaidamu Salt Marsh.

Mysterious Sea Returns to Nest#

After delving into the Snake Marsh Ghost City of the West Queen Mother, Wu Xie and his group search intensively for three days and three nights and finally find the entrance to the West Queen Mother's Palace near a hidden temple in the dense forest. At the muddy swamp near the entrance, he discovers that almost all of Third Uncle's team has died in strange ways, but he does not find Third Uncle's body. They continue to venture into the vast underground system of the West Queen Mother City and finally meet Wen Jin, who reveals the secrets of the West Sha. The little-known true past of the Third Uncle also comes to light. The story is far from over, and the ultimate destination is just ahead. The West Queen Mother City carries a mysterious civilization. Did the giant snake on the relief really exist? Where does that "it" that follows them everywhere come from? They finally see a secret that overturns everything.

Yinshan Ancient Tower#

In the depths of the mountains in Guangxi Bana, in order to help Muffled Bottle regain his memory, Wu Xie and Fatty venture into danger again to collect the remaining clues of the West Sha incident. Resurrected members of the archaeological team, iron blocks with strange smells, and mysterious deaths of those involved. Through the oral account of Panma Lao, everything becomes even more confusing. And the nightmare has just begun. They enter the Demon Lake and discover an ancient Yao village hidden hundreds of meters underwater, a Han-style courtyard hidden within, and something even more chilling than a tomb! Terrifying events continue to unfold: Iron Man Burial, Thunder King Statue, Stone Shadow, Living Sacrifice. They go through life and death, and its intentions are unpredictable. What kind of conspiracy does this submerged thousand-year-old Yao village hide? With the resonance of the Qilin Tattoo and the ancient village, Muffled Bottle's identity becomes clearer than ever.

Qiong Cage Stone Shadow#

Back in Beijing, our meeting with the descendants of the Old Nine Gates coincides with an auction. Due to a mistake, we have to escape with the auctioned jade seal. However, the subsequent exchange of information surprises both sides. The mysterious disappearance of the archaeological team, Muffled Bottle's extraordinary identity, and the video tapes received over the years. All the secrets seem to point to the same place. In order to get all the answers, Wu Xie and Muffled Bottle split up and go to Sichuan and Guangxi. What did the Zhang family's ancient tower bear in the past? Is there someone else behind the scenes? How will Wu Xie face the tomb that has claimed the lives of all the elites of the Old Nine Gates? Bloody fur, moving iron armor, and mysterious reliefs... Before the end of the puzzle, the final step, the answer to all the questions, lies behind this stone wall.

Grand Finale (Part 1)#

Wu Xie puts on Third Uncle's human skin mask and takes control of Third Uncle's business in Changsha. The underlings of Third Uncle's gambling den all obey him. Wu Xie, Panzi, Xiaohua, and others split into three groups and set off from Hangzhou, Changsha, and Beijing to Guangxi. In a village in Bana, Guangxi, the fake Third Uncle encounters Jude Kao's team again and sees a ghostly figure with a melting shoulder. They discover that this ghostly figure is Zhang Qiling, a member of the Zhang family's ancient tower archaeological team thirty years ago. Is this ghostly figure the key to unlocking all the secrets? Driven by the ghostly figure, they finally delve into the huge secret hidden in the vast and mysterious mountains—a group of cannibalistic Miluo Tuo who fiercely oppose their passage to the ancient tower's secret realm, making it extremely dangerous and full of twists and turns. Wu Xie and Fatty finally enter the Zhang family's ancient tower.

Grand Finale (Part 2)#

Wu Xie, along with Panzi, Xiaohua, and others, finally arrives in the mountains of Bana, hoping to find Third Uncle, Fatty, Muffled Bottle, and others in the Zhang family's ancient tower. In the village of Bana, they encounter a person whose shoulder has melted and collapsed, and they eventually discover that this person is a member of the archaeological team from twenty years ago. He reveals the secrets of the Zhang family's ancient tower in the mountains. As a result, Wu Xie and Fatty once again enter the Zhang family's ancient tower.


The Ultimate Collection of "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" Volumes 1-8 with Illustrations
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