

Soul chicken soup is too far-fetched. Have a bowl of mutton soup to nourish yourself | "Grassroots Success Principles: Be the Strongest Version of Yourself in Your Twenties"

If a person can achieve "not regretting the passing of time when recalling the past, not feeling ashamed of being idle," then I believe that this person has done their best to manage their life. Either they have achieved their ideals or they have successfully lived the life they aspire to, living without regrets.

However, in real life, there are many grassroots individuals who, due to not mastering the rules of success, can only watch as time slips away day by day, living in poverty and following the crowd.

A motivating phrase, but how many people are willing to imbue their souls with this phrase? Faced with reality, how many people can stand up and strive for self-improvement? Only by being the best version of oneself can one truly embody the meaning of existence.


Introduction · · · · · ·#

"The Strongest Version of Yourself in Your 20s" is about how to activate your potential and face life's challenges positively as a member of the grassroots. Through various examples, starting from the details that ordinary people don't pay attention to, this book explores the meaning of life and helps you overcome confusion and weaknesses in human nature. By setting goals for success, this book will teach you the most important lesson in life - to be the strongest version of yourself!

Editor's Thoughts...#

  • "Compared to the previous books in this series, this one can be said to be basically devoid of substance. Apart from some examples (some of which seem fabricated) that are somewhat useful, the rest of the content is like a middle school essay constantly repeating 'you should be the strongest version of yourself.' Sigh..."
  • "Meaningless spiritual chicken soup"


The Grassroots Law of Success: The Strongest Version of Yourself in Your 20s
Access password: 7234

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