

[Company Financial Management] Summary Edition Original Book Ninth Edition

Summary · · · · · ·#

"Corporate Finance" Essential Edition, 9th Edition, is a globally popular textbook on corporate finance. It reconstructs the basic framework of corporate finance with a unique perspective and comprehensive and powerful concepts. The book focuses on value evaluation with NPV analysis as the main thread, closely integrating the needs of financial practice. It selects the core content of corporate finance, including basic concepts and ideas, financial statements and long-term financial planning, future cash flow estimation, capital budgeting, risk and return, capital cost and long-term financial policy, short-term financial planning and management, and international corporate finance. The author uses plain language, rich cases and examples to systematically, concisely, and effectively convey the basic concepts, methods, and practical skills of corporate finance.

The book is divided into 8 parts and consists of 31 chapters, covering all issues of corporate financial management, including asset pricing. The structure of the chapters is exquisite, the logic is rigorous, the content is novel, the information is comprehensive, and it is easy to teach and learn. It is suitable as a textbook for MBA, finance management, and financial management undergraduate and graduate students in business schools, as well as a must-read or reference book for finance and investment professionals, university teachers, and researchers.

Author Introduction · · · · · ·

Stephen A. Ross is a professor of finance and economics at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As one of the most prolific financial and economic scholars in the world, Professor Ross is known for his developed "arbitrage pricing theory" and has made outstanding contributions in research areas such as signal theory, agency theory, option pricing, and interest rate term structure. He has served as president of the American Finance Association and as deputy editor of several academic and practical journals, as well as a trustee of the California Teachers Retirement Foundation (CalTech). He passed away suddenly in March 2017.

Randolph W. Westerfield is currently the honorary dean of the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC) and the Charles B. Thornton Professor of Finance. He previously taught at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for 20 years and served as the head of the finance department. He is also a board member of Oaktree Capital Mutual Funds. His academic expertise includes corporate financial policy, investment management, and stock market price behavior.

Bradford D. Jordan is currently a professor of finance at the University of Kentucky and the Foster Family Endowed Professor of Finance. He has long been committed to the application and theoretical research of corporate finance and has rich experience in teaching courses on corporate finance and financial management policy. Professor Jordan's writings mainly focus on capital cost, capital structure, and security price behavior. He is also a former president of the Southern Finance Association and a co-author of the investment textbook "Fundamentals of Investment: Valuation and Management".

Corporate Finance Essential Edition, 9th Edition: (Access password: 7234)

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